Exercise & Goals . . . Working Out


Part #2 . . . Majoring on Working Out! Super excited on what your working out plans are. Your preferences, and your goals on being active and working out. At least here’s mine 😀


I truly believe first of all that you gotta work really hard for what you want. That’s also meant in terms of training. You can’t go all easy and think you’ll get your results just like that. Training is painful, and of course not always fun. I love working out, but there are also times when I’d rather go to bed and stay there. 😀 When you work out you gotta give it your all, push your boundaries and just train so hard that you know you’ll feel sore tomorrow.

Of course not everything is for everyone. You have to find something you like doing, something you feel confident doing. Keep in mind this; I hate when people isn’t open to trying new things at least within training . . . I advice everyone to keep an open mind, because you’re just ruining it for yourself. I actually have an example; my friend Hanna hates dancing, she feel’s terrible about dancing, because quotation “I can’t dance”. She actually refuses to try Sh’bam or Zumba for that matter. In the beginning I also felt like that, but I tried it and loved it . . . Now I’m doing Sh’bam every Monday… It’s been my anual cardio exercise for weeks now.

Just to clear somethings due to the fact that I said that you have to work out until you’re gonna feel really sore. That doesn’t mean you’re gonna work out more or do the same muscles every time. You’re muscles need rest, and when working out certain muscles, they need a regeneration time of about 24 – hours. Another thing is that… It’s enough with 3-4 work outs a week. When I say work outs I mostly refere to strength training, because you can do cardio, or just go for a run almost anytime. At least as summer comes along, the feeling of running in the sun is basically like an orgasm 😀


Finishing up this part I’ll share my working out preferences. I have a routine on when I work out each week and there’s no slacking. I have gotten a lot of help from a friend; Lasse who is studying sport. You never say no to a personal trainer, hehe 😀 He’s pushing me a lot and I like that, because you provide so much more when you’re under pressure.


MONDAY: Sh’bam & BodyBalance (mix of. TaiChi, Yoga, Strength and Pilates)

TUESDAY: Strength training w/Lasse

SATURDAY: Cardio/Strenght w/Lasse

This plan works perfectly for me and my preferences. I really love running, and actually dancing too (who would’ve guessed) and this work out plan is a mixture of that. On Monday I get to dance and improve my balance and strength. On Tuesday I get pure strength training and at last on Saturday I get a majored training on cardio and endurance, and a little bit of strength as well. Aside from the work out plan, I have dancing on friday at school, and I also have a really active life already. I also walk a lot, take the stairs instead of the elevator and take small decisions that makes the day more solid and active. That last pointer is something everybody could do just to get started on an active lifestyle. 😀

Wow… Now I’ve finished part #2 and this part is a part I’m actually really happy with. Do share your thoughts and your workout plans and everything that has something with exercise and working out to do! 😀

Enjoy This Beautiful Week! ❤
~ Sindre

Exercise & Goals . . . Drinking Water 

Here’s the long planned and hopefully awaited post that I were supposed to write a long time ago. Here it is, and I truly hope you like it, and maybe want to share your own experiences  goals or achievements.


The picture above describes mostly what I’m working on. I know and believe that to get a better body, you’ll need a healthy body. No matter how much you work out, you won’t get the results you want if you don’t have the basic element to do so. As stated on the picture above; Drink a lot of water, work out, eat healthy and get lots of sleep (8-10 hours).


Water cleanses the system, our bodies is 70% water and water is also the source to get the body going. Did you know that when you drink cold water, you burn calories as the body reduces the cold water to body temperatureThere really isn’t much to say about water besides that it can be clever to drink about a gallon (3,7 L) of water every day. That do sound extreme, but that’s needed. The bad thing with water is that you’ll be going a lot to the toilet, because water just run straight through your body.

That’ll be part one of this Exercise & Goals post…. 😀 I’ll be posting about four more parts in the next four days to come, so stay tuned! 😀

~ Sindre

Busy Life, Busy Week!

This week has been a tiny break from the blog, but not my life. There’s been a lot at school with five tests, and they all went really good I suppose. I’ve also tried working out as much as I could. I went to the gym on Monday and whole four hours on Thursday, and I’m proud of that accomplishment.

69_largeOn tuesday I went to a small info meeting with EF, which was really fun and informational. I got more information regarding my choice of studies and I still feel that it’s the right studies for me. Today it’s actually 140 days away until I leave for Los Angeles. I will later write a post about the things that I hope to get to do while I’m in LA.

I also got to experience the best neck-head-back-arms massage in my life. I got to talk to such an inspiring person that made me realize a couple of really great things. Things like dreams, future and growing up.


This weekend have been mostly about just relaxing, because this is the first weekend in a long time I haven’t been booked. It’s really great, but I feel really tired all the time and yawn a lot. 🙂 Today I went to town to meet a friend I haven’t spent much time with. We went to a café just to relax and talk. It was fun being with her for a couple of hours. She’s such an  interesting person. She’s actually a writer, and I’m excited to read one of her books in the future. 😉

Tomorrow I’m planning a ski trip with my grandparents. It’s such a long time since I went skiing, and I think It’ll be good with some exercise on a sunday instead of just being lazy.

Hope you’ve had a nice weekend. Tell me a little bit about it! 🙂 <(“)

~ Sindre